Source code for SecretColors.cmaps.tableau

#  Copyright (c) SecretBiology  2020.
#  Library Name: SecretColors
#  Author: Rohit Suratekar
#  Website:
#  ColorMap implementation for the Tableau Palette

from SecretColors.cmaps.parent import ColorMapParent
from import TABLEAU_DATA
from SecretColors.helpers.decorators import cmap_docs
from SecretColors.models.palette import Palette

MP_NAME = "TableauMap"

[docs]class TableauMap(ColorMapParent): """ Tableau Color Maps are derived from `Tableau <>`_ Visualization Software. Unfortunately, their current version is not available publicly and hence we could not include here. Current color values are from their 9.x Legacy version which can be found `here < /formatting_create_custom_colors.htm#Version_9.x_( legacy)_color_palette_hex_values>`_ . This class acts as an wrapper around original colors which you can easily manipulate. This class is inherited from :class:`~SecretColors.cmaps.parent.ColorMapParent` and overrides few default methods which are available in our database. Simplest way to use this class in your ``matplotlib`` workflow is following .. code-block:: python :emphasize-lines: 5 import matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from SecretColors.cmaps import TableauMap tm = TableauMap(matplotlib) plt.imshow(data, cmap=tm.tableau()) Here, :func:`~SecretColors.cmaps.TableauMap.tableau` is one of the available standard color map in this class. If you know the exact name of the color map, you can use following as well .. code-block:: python plt.imshow(data, cmap= tm.get("Tableau")) # Alternate way tm.get_all # Gives you all available colormaps # Returns available color data To know which all color maps are available in current class you can use ``get_all`` attribute. These methods can be heavily customized. Take a look at :class:`~SecretColors.cmaps.parent.ColorMapParent` documentation. .. admonition:: List of available colormaps in TableauMap .. hlist:: :columns: 3 * Tableau * Tableau_medium * Tableau_light * Gray * ColorBlind * TrafficLight * PurpleGray * GreenOrange * BlueRed * Cyclic * Green * Blue * Red * Orange * AquaRed * AquaGreen * AquaBrown * RedGreen * RedBlue * RedBlack * AreaRedGreen * OrangeBlue * GreenBlue * RedWhiteGreen * RedWhiteBlack * OrangeWhiteBlue * RedWhiteBlack_light * OrangeWhiteBlue_light * RedWhiteGreen_light * RedGreen_light .. seealso:: :class:`SecretColors.cmaps.parent.ColorMapParent` """ def __init__(self, matplotlib): super().__init__(matplotlib) self.palette = Palette(PALETTE_TABLEAU) @property def data(self): return TABLEAU_DATA # Other special maps def grays(self, *, starting_shade: float = None, ending_shade: float = None, no_of_colors: int = None, is_qualitative: bool = False, is_reversed=False): return self._default("Gray", "gray", locals()) def greens(self, *, starting_shade: float = None, ending_shade: float = None, no_of_colors: int = None, is_qualitative: bool = False, is_reversed=False): return self._default("Green", "green", locals()) def blues(self, *, starting_shade: float = None, ending_shade: float = None, no_of_colors: int = None, is_qualitative: bool = False, is_reversed=False): return self._default("Blue", "blue", locals()) def reds(self, *, starting_shade: float = None, ending_shade: float = None, no_of_colors: int = None, is_qualitative: bool = False, is_reversed=False): return self._default("Red", "red", locals()) def oranges(self, *, starting_shade: float = None, ending_shade: float = None, no_of_colors: int = None, is_qualitative: bool = False, is_reversed=False): return self._default("Orange", "orange", locals())
[docs] @cmap_docs(MP_NAME, "Tableau") def tableau(self, *, no_of_colors: int = None, is_qualitative: bool = False, is_reversed=False): return self._special_maps("Tableau", None, locals())
[docs] @cmap_docs(MP_NAME, "Tableau_light") def tableau_light(self, *, no_of_colors: int = None, is_qualitative: bool = False, is_reversed=False): return self._special_maps("Tableau_light", None, locals())
[docs] @cmap_docs(MP_NAME, "Tableau_medium") def tableau_medium(self, *, no_of_colors: int = None, is_qualitative: bool = False, is_reversed=False): return self._special_maps("Tableau_medium", None, locals())
[docs] @cmap_docs(MP_NAME, "ColorBlind") def colorblind(self, *, no_of_colors: int = None, is_qualitative: bool = False, is_reversed=False): return self._special_maps("ColorBlind", None, locals())
[docs] @cmap_docs(MP_NAME, "TrafficLight") def traffic_light(self, *, no_of_colors: int = 9, is_qualitative: bool = False, is_reversed=False): return self._special_maps("TrafficLight", None, locals())
[docs] @cmap_docs(MP_NAME, "PurpleGray") def purple_gray(self, *, no_of_colors: int = 12, is_qualitative: bool = False, is_reversed=False): return self._special_maps("PurpleGray", None, locals())
[docs] @cmap_docs(MP_NAME, "GreenOrange") def green_orange(self, *, no_of_colors: int = 12, is_qualitative: bool = False, is_reversed=False): return self._special_maps("GreenOrange", None, locals())
[docs] @cmap_docs(MP_NAME, "BlueRed") def blue_red(self, *, no_of_colors: int = 12, is_qualitative: bool = False, is_reversed=False): return self._special_maps("BlueRed", None, locals())
[docs] @cmap_docs(MP_NAME, "Cyclic") def cyclic(self, *, no_of_colors: int = 13, is_qualitative: bool = False, is_reversed=False): return self._special_maps("Cyclic", None, locals())
[docs] @cmap_docs(MP_NAME, "AquaRed") def aqua_red(self, *, no_of_colors: int = 11, is_qualitative: bool = False, is_reversed=False): return self._special_maps("AquaRed", None, locals())
[docs] @cmap_docs(MP_NAME, "AquaGreen") def aqua_green(self, *, no_of_colors: int = 11, is_qualitative: bool = False, is_reversed=False): return self._special_maps("AquaGreen", None, locals())
[docs] @cmap_docs(MP_NAME, "AquaBrown") def aqua_brown(self, *, no_of_colors: int = 11, is_qualitative: bool = False, is_reversed=False): return self._special_maps("AquaBrown", None, locals())
[docs] @cmap_docs(MP_NAME, "RedBlue") def red_blue(self, *, no_of_colors: int = 11, is_qualitative: bool = False, is_reversed=False): return self._special_maps("RedBlue", None, locals())
[docs] @cmap_docs(MP_NAME, "RedBlack") def red_black(self, *, no_of_colors: int = 11, is_qualitative: bool = False, is_reversed=False): return self._special_maps("RedBlack", None, locals())
[docs] @cmap_docs(MP_NAME, "AreaRedGreen") def area_red_green(self, *, no_of_colors: int = 21, is_qualitative: bool = False, is_reversed=False): return self._special_maps("AreaRedGreen", None, locals())
[docs] @cmap_docs(MP_NAME, "OrangeBlue") def orange_blue(self, *, no_of_colors: int = 13, is_qualitative: bool = False, is_reversed=False): return self._special_maps("OrangeBlue", None, locals())
[docs] @cmap_docs(MP_NAME, "GreenBlue") def green_blue(self, *, no_of_colors: int = 11, is_qualitative: bool = False, is_reversed=False): return self._special_maps("GreenBlue", None, locals())
[docs] @cmap_docs(MP_NAME, "RedWhiteGreen") def red_white_green(self, *, no_of_colors: int = 11, is_qualitative: bool = False, is_reversed=False): return self._special_maps("RedWhiteGreen", None, locals())
[docs] @cmap_docs(MP_NAME, "RedWhiteBlack") def red_white_black(self, *, no_of_colors: int = 11, is_qualitative: bool = False, is_reversed=False): return self._special_maps("RedWhiteBlack", None, locals())
[docs] @cmap_docs(MP_NAME, "OrangeWhiteBlue") def orange_white_blue(self, *, no_of_colors: int = 11, is_qualitative: bool = False, is_reversed=False): return self._special_maps("OrangeWhiteBlue", None, locals())
[docs] @cmap_docs(MP_NAME, "RedWhiteBlack_light") def red_white_black_light(self, *, no_of_colors: int = 10, is_qualitative: bool = False, is_reversed=False): return self._special_maps("RedWhiteBlack_light", None, locals())
[docs] @cmap_docs(MP_NAME, "OrangeWhiteBlue_light") def orange_white_blue_light(self, *, no_of_colors: int = 11, is_qualitative: bool = False, is_reversed=False): return self._special_maps("OrangeWhiteBlue_light", None, locals())
[docs] @cmap_docs(MP_NAME, "RedWhiteGreen_light") def red_white_green_light(self, *, no_of_colors: int = 11, is_qualitative: bool = False, is_reversed=False): return self._special_maps("RedWhiteGreen_light", None, locals())
[docs] @cmap_docs(MP_NAME, "RedGreen_light") def red_green_light(self, *, no_of_colors: int = 11, is_qualitative: bool = False, is_reversed=False): return self._special_maps("RedGreen_light", None, locals())
def run(): import matplotlib b = TableauMap(matplotlib) for t in b.get_all: print(f"* {t}")