Source code for SecretColors.models.palette

#  Copyright (c) SecretBiology  2019.
#  Library Name: SecretColors
#  Author: Rohit Suratekar
#  Website:
#  Main palette class

import random
from typing import Dict, List

from import *
from import W3_DATA
from import X11_DATA
from import (IBMPalette, MaterialPalette, MaterialAccentPalette,
                                        ClarityPalette, ColorBrewer,
                                        ParentPalette, TableauPalette)
from SecretColors.helpers.decorators import deprecated, color_docs
from SecretColors.helpers.logging import Log
from SecretColors.models.base import Color
from SecretColors.models.objects import ColorString, ColorTuple
from SecretColors.utils import get_complementary, color_in_between

def _get_palette(name: str) -> ParentPalette:
    name = name.strip().lower()
    if name == PALETTE_MATERIAL:
        return MaterialPalette()
        return MaterialAccentPalette()
    elif name == PALETTE_CLARITY:
        return ClarityPalette()
    elif name == PALETTE_BREWER:
        return ColorBrewer()
    elif name == PALETTE_TABLEAU:
        return TableauPalette()
        return IBMPalette()

def _validate_object(obj, cls, item_name):
    if not isinstance(obj, cls):
        raise TypeError(f"'{item_name}' should be {type(cls)}. You have "
                        f"provided {type(obj)}")

def _linspace(st, sp, n):
    Mimics numpy.linspace function
    Taken from :
    if n == 1:
        yield sp
    h = (sp - st) / (n - 1)
    for i in range(n):
        yield st + h * i

def _param_deprecation(log: Log, item: str, **kwargs):
    if item in kwargs:
        log.deprecated(f"'{item}' argument is deprecated and it will have no "
                       f"impact on the workflow.")

[docs]class Palette: """ :class:`~SecretColors.Palette` is main class of this library. It provides easy access to huge variety of color manipulations. Entire class is based on internal color database which has been developed based on many Design Systems and famous color palettes. Essentially, we made a simple utility which can copy and paste colors from famous color palettes ;) Currently, this library supports following Palettes which can be provided at the time of generation of Palette Object. * **ibm** - IBM Color Palette v2 + v1 [*Default*] * **material** - Google Material Design Color Palettes * **material-accent** - Accent colors of Google Material Design Color Palettes * **brewer** - ColorBrewer Color Palette * **clarity** - VMWare Clarity Palette * **tableau** - Tableau Color Palette .. code-block:: python :emphasize-lines: 2, 5 from SecretColors import Palette p = Palette() # Generates Default color palette i.e. IBM Color Palette ibm = Palette("ibm") # Generates IBM Palette # Returns '#fb4b53' material = Palette("material") # Generates Material Palette # Returns '#f44336' You can specify *color_mode* to control color output format. Currently, this library supports following color modes * **hex** - Hex Format [*Default*] * **rgb** - RGB Format (values between 0 and 1) * **rgba** - RGB with Alpha/Transparency (values between 0 and 1) * **ahex** - Hex with Alpha/Transparency (Appended before hex) * **hexa** - Hex with Alpha/Transparency (Appended after hex) .. code-block:: python p1 = Palette() # Default Color mode (hex) # '#24a148' p2 = Palette(color_mode="hexa") # '#24a148ff' p3 = Palette(color_mode="ahex") # '#ff24a148' p4 = Palette(color_mode="rgb") # (0.141, 0.631, 0.282) p5 = Palette(color_mode="rgba") # '(0.141, 0.282, 0.631, 1)' Note: *matplotlib* can accepts "hex", "rgb" or "hexa" """
[docs] def __init__(self, name: str = PALETTE_IBM, color_mode: str = MODE_HEX, *, show_warning: bool = False, seed: float = None, log: Log = None, **kwargs): """ Initialize the Palette class :param name: Name of the palette (default: ibm) :type name: str :param color_mode: Color mode which will define the output format of each color (default: hex) :type color_mode: str :param show_warning: If True, log will be shown. (default: False) :type show_warning: bool :param seed: Seed for Numpy random number generator :param log: Log Object :param kwargs: Other Arguments (useful if you are subclassing) """ _validate_object(name, str, "name") _validate_object(color_mode, str, "color_mode") self._palette_name = name.strip().lower() if log is None: log = Log(show_log=show_warning) else: _validate_object(log, Log, "log") self.log = log self.color_mode = color_mode.strip().lower() if self.color_mode not in ALL_COLOR_MODES: self.log.error(f"Unknown color_mode '{color_mode}'. Currently " f"available modes: {ALL_COLOR_MODES}", exception=ValueError) _param_deprecation(self.log, "allow_gray_shades", **kwargs)"New '{name}' palette is initialized successfully.") self._palette = None self._colors = None self._seed = seed if self._seed:"Random seed set for : {seed}") random.seed(self._seed)
def __str__(self): return f"Palette({})" @property def _value(self) -> ParentPalette: if self._palette is None: self._palette = _get_palette( return self._palette @property def name(self) -> str: """ :return: Name of the current palette :rtype: str """ return self._palette_name @property def version(self): """ :return: Version of palette used in SecretColors library :rtype: str """ return self._value.get_version() @property def creator_url(self) -> str: """ :return: URL citing original creator :rtype: str """ return self._value.get_creator_url() @property def get_color_dict(self) -> dict: """ Returns dictionary of color names and their respective default shades """ d = {} for x in self.colors.values(): d[] = self._send(x.get()) return d @property def get_color_list(self) -> list: """Returns list of all colors with their default shade """ return [self._send(x.get()) for x in self.colors.values()]
[docs] def cycle(self, version: int = 1, skip_first: int = 0): """ Creates infinite color cycle Inspiration is taken from : >>> color_cycle = Palette().cycle() >>> next(color_cycle) # First Color >>> next(color_cycle) # Next Color This will go infinitely. After few colors it will start repeating. You can get qualitative colors like following >>> my_colors = [next(color_cycle) for x in range(10)] # Ten colors You may use in the for loop. However, be careful. It is infinite cycle. You need to break the loop by yourself. .. danger:: This method creates inifinite number of colors. Be careful while using it in the loop :param skip_first: number of colors to be skipped from start. Only works for first 18 colors. :param version: color sequence version """ selected = [,, self.yellow(shade=30),, self.teal(shade=40), self.magenta(),,, self.indigo(), self.cyan(shade=30), self.brown(shade=30),, self.gray(shade=40), self.amber(shade=30), self.aqua(shade=40), self.red_orange(shade=40), self.cerulean(shade=40), self.green_light() ] if skip_first < len(selected): for i in range(skip_first): selected.pop(0) # First default colors for c in selected: yield c # Define colors objs = [self.yellow,,,, self.teal, self.magenta,,, self.indigo, self.cyan, self.brown,, self.gray, self.amber, self.aqua, self.red_orange, self.cerulean, self.green_light] start_shade = 40 # Start infinite initial_offset = 0 while True: for c in objs: if c(shade=start_shade) not in selected: yield c(shade=start_shade) selected.append(c(shade=start_shade)) start_shade += 5 if start_shade > 100: start_shade = initial_offset + 10 initial_offset += 1 if initial_offset > 80: initial_offset = 0 selected = []
def __iter__(self): return self def __next__(self): self.__iter_index += 1 try: return self.get_color_list[self.__iter_index - 1] except IndexError: self.__iter_index = 0 raise StopIteration @property def seed(self): """Current random seed (if any)""" return self._seed @seed.setter def seed(self, value): """ Set seed for Numpy random number generator :param value: Seed value """ self._seed = value random.seed(value)"Random seed set for : {value}") @property def colors(self) -> Dict[str, Color]: """ Returns dictionary of all colorname and their respective :class:`~SecretColors.models.base.Color` class. """ if self._colors is None: colors = {} for c, v in self._value.get_all_colors().items(): cr = Color(c, v, self._value.get_shades()) cr.default = self._value.get_core_shade() colors[c] = cr self._colors = colors"All colors from '{}' palette generated") return self._colors @deprecated( "This function is deprecated in favour of 'color_in_between from " "SecretColors.utils'") def color_between(self, *args, **kwargs): self.log.deprecated("Deprecated function") self.log.error("Sorry! This function is removed from the Palette " "Class in favour of " "'color_in_between from SecretColors.utils'", exception=AttributeError) def _convert(self, value: ColorString, alpha=None): if alpha is not None: if alpha < 0 or alpha > 1: self.log.error("Alpha value should be between 0 to 1", exception=ValueError) value.alpha = alpha if self.color_mode in [MODE_RGB, MODE_HEX]: self.log.warn("Alpha value ignored because color mode is set " f"to {self.color_mode}. Please select " f"color_mode which supports alpha values.") if self.color_mode == MODE_HEX: return value elif self.color_mode == MODE_RGB: return ColorTuple(value.rgb) elif self.color_mode == MODE_HEX_A or self.color_mode == MODE_AHEX: a = int(round(value.alpha * 100)) if self.color_mode == MODE_HEX_A: n = "{}{:02x}".format(value.hex, a) else: n = "#{:02x}{}".format(a, value.hex[1:]) cs = ColorString(n) cs.alpha = value.alpha return cs elif self.color_mode == MODE_RGBA: return ColorTuple(value.rgba) else: self.log.deprecated(f"Color mode '{self.color_mode}' is not " f"implemented here. Please contact developer" f" and report this bug") return value def _send(self, colors, **kwargs): alpha = None if "alpha" in kwargs.keys(): alpha = kwargs["alpha"] pc = False if "print_colors" in kwargs.keys(): pc = kwargs["print_colors"] if isinstance(colors, ColorString): c1 = self._convert(colors, alpha=alpha) if pc: print(c1) return c1 else: c2 = [self._convert(x, alpha=alpha) for x in colors] if pc: print(c2) return c2 def _generate_additional_colors(self): # First get names of all available colors previous = len(self.colors.keys()) for p in [_get_palette(x) for x in ALL_PALETTES]: for c, v in p.get_all_colors().items(): if c not in self.colors.keys(): cr = Color(c, v, p.get_shades()) cr.default = p.get_core_shade() self._colors[c] = cr f"Color '{c}' extracted from '{p.get_palette_name()}'")"Total of {len(self.colors) - previous} new colors " f"added to the current color list") def _extract(self, name: str) -> Color: name = name.strip() if name not in self.colors.keys(): self.log.warn(f"Color '{name}' not found in current palette. " f"Checking if it is present in other available " f"palettes.") self._generate_additional_colors() if name not in self.colors.keys(): if name in SYNONYM.keys():"{SYNONYM[name]} is used instead {name}") return self.colors[SYNONYM[name]] # If color is still not present, then it is an error if name not in self.colors.keys(): self.log.error(f"Unable to find '{name}'. Please check " f"spelling error. Currently available colors: " f"{list(self.colors.keys())}", exception=KeyError) return self.colors[name] def _extract_color_list(self, name, no_of_colors: int, *, starting_shade: float = None, ending_shade: float = None, reverse: bool = False, **kwargs) -> List[ColorString]: # If staring and ending shades are not provided, take the ones # present in the default shades if starting_shade is None: starting_shade = min(self._value.get_shades()) if ending_shade is None: ending_shade = max(self._value.get_shades()) shades = list(_linspace(starting_shade, ending_shade, no_of_colors)) if reverse: shades = reversed(shades) return [self._extract(name).shade(s) for s in shades]
[docs] def random(self, no_of_colors: int = 1, *, shade: float = None, alpha: float = None, starting_shade: float = None, ending_shade: float = None, gradient: bool = True, avoid: list = None, reverse: bool = False, force_list: bool = False, print_colors: bool = False, seed=None, **kwargs): """ Generate random color(s) from current palette. >>> p = Palette() >>> p.random() # Single random color >>> p.random(no_of_colors=5) # 5 random colors >>> p.random(shade=20) # Random color whos shade is 20 >>> p.random(shade=60, no_of_colors=8) # 8 random colors whose shade is 60 >>> p.random(starting_shade=50, ending_shade=80, no_of_colors=4) #Random colors whos shades are between 50-80 >>> p.random(no_of_colors=4, gradient=False) # 4 completely random colors with random shades >>> p.random(no_of_colors=40, avoid=["blue"]) # 40 random colors but do not use "blue" >>> p.random(no_of_colors=10, seed=100) # Generate 10 random color with seed 100 >>> p.random(force_list=True) # List containing single random color >>> p.random(print_colors=True) # Print color on the console >>> p.random(no_of_colors=5, reverse=True) # 5 random colors whos shades should arange in darker to lighter :param no_of_colors: Number of colors (default: 1) :param shade: Shade of the color (default: palette's default). This will be ignored when number of colors are greater than 1 and starting_shade /ending_shade arguments are provided :param alpha: Transparency value (beteen 0-1). This will only be considered if palette 'color_mode' supports Alpha channel. This will be applied to all colors. :param starting_shade: Starting shade of colors (used when number of colors are more than 1.) :param ending_shade: Ending shade of colors (used when number of colors are more than 1.) :param gradient: If True, all shades (not colors) will be sorted in ascending order. (default: True) :param avoid: List of colors which should not be considered while generating random numbers. (default: white, black) :param reverse: If True, shades will be ordered in descending order :param force_list: If True, return type will always be list. Else when no of colors is 1, this function will return str/tuple. :param print_colors: If True, colors generated will be printed on the console. :param seed: Seed for random number generator (will override the global palette seed) :param kwargs: Other named arguments :return: Str/Tuple/list of random colors depending above options """ _param_deprecation(self.log, "ignore_gray", **kwargs) _param_deprecation(self.log, "force_gray", **kwargs) if seed is not None: self.seed = seed if avoid is None: avoid = ["white", "black"] use_only_shade = True if shade is not None and starting_shade is not None: use_only_shade = False if shade is not None and ending_shade is not None: use_only_shade = False if starting_shade is None: starting_shade = min(self._value.get_shades()) if ending_shade is None: ending_shade = max(self._value.get_shades()) # remove the restricted colors provided by 'avoid' accepted_colors = [] for x in self.colors.values(): if not in avoid: accepted_colors.append(x) # Select random colors colors = [] for i in range(no_of_colors): colors.append(random.choice(accepted_colors)) # If shade is specified, directly return the selected colors if shade is not None: if no_of_colors == 1 and not force_list: return self._send(colors[0].shade(shade), alpha=alpha, print_colors=print_colors) return self._send([x.shade(shade) for x in colors], alpha=alpha, print_colors=print_colors) # Select the shade # First check if we can return one of the standard shade. # This will provide proper palette shade and will also reduce the # computation time of all conversion possible_shades = [x for x in self._value.get_shades() if starting_shade <= x <= ending_shade] shades = [] if no_of_colors <= len(possible_shades): for i in range(no_of_colors): shades.append(random.choice(possible_shades)) else: for i in range(no_of_colors): shades = random.randint(starting_shade, ending_shade) # If gradient is true, sort the shades if gradient: shades = list(sorted(shades)) if reverse: shades = list(reversed(shades)) if use_only_shade and shade is not None: shades = [shade for _ in range(len(shades))] if no_of_colors == 1 and not force_list: return self._send(colors[0].shade(shades[0]), alpha=alpha, print_colors=print_colors) return self._send([x[0].shade(x[1]) for x in zip(colors, shades)], alpha=alpha, print_colors=print_colors)
[docs] def random_balanced(self, no_of_colors: int = 1): """ Generates balanced random colors by defining shade. It essentially just predefines the shade to palettes default shade. :param no_of_colors: Number of colors :return: str/tuple/list based on number of colors and global 'color_mode' """ return self.random(no_of_colors, shade=self._value.get_core_shade())
[docs] def random_gradient(self, no_of_colors: int = 3, *, shade: float = None, alpha: float = 1, print_colors: bool = False, complementary=True, **kwargs): """ Generates random gradient between two colors >>> p = Palette() >>> p.random_gradient() # Random gradient between two colors >>> p.random_gradient(no_of_colors=5) # Generates gradient between 2 colors and also adds 3 more colors between them >>> p.random_gradient(complementary=False) # Use totally random colors for the gradient :param no_of_colors: Number of in-between colors (default: 3) :param shade: Shades of color :param alpha: Alpha value between 0-1 (will ne applied to all colors) :param print_colors: If True, prints colors on the console :param complementary: If True, generates gradient between two complementary colors. (default: True) :param kwargs: Other named arguments :return: List of colors representing gradient """ _param_deprecation(self.log, "ignore_gray", **kwargs) colors = set() colors.add(random.choice(list(self.colors.values()))) colors.add(random.choice(list(self.colors.values()))) if shade is None: shade = self._value.get_core_shade() colors = [x.shade(shade) for x in colors] if complementary: colors[1] = ColorString(get_complementary(colors[0])) if no_of_colors < 3: return self._send(colors[:no_of_colors], alpha=alpha, print_colors=print_colors) no_of_colors = no_of_colors - 2 mid_colors = color_in_between(colors[0], colors[1], no_of_colors) mid_colors = [ColorString(x) for x in mid_colors] mid_colors.insert(0, colors[0]) mid_colors.append(colors[1]) return self._send(mid_colors, alpha=alpha, print_colors=print_colors)
[docs] @staticmethod @deprecated("This method will be removed from Palette class in future. " "Please use ColorMap class for this purpose") def cmap_from(matplotlib, hex_color_list: list): """Creates custom cmap from given hex_color list. Use :class:`~ColorMap` for more refined control. Color inputs should be HEX format. :param matplotlib: matplotlib object ( :param hex_color_list: List of colors in Hex format :return: *LinearSegmentedColormap* segment which can be used with *matplotlib* plots. """ if type(hex_color_list) is not list: raise Exception("Please provide list of colors") try: return matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list( "cMap_secret_colors", hex_color_list) except AttributeError: raise Exception("Add 'matplotlib' as a first argument. For " "example, import matplotlib; palette.cmap_from(" "matplotlib, " ";")
def _common_color(self, name, kwargs): del kwargs["self"] color = self._extract(name) if kwargs["no_of_colors"] > 1: if kwargs["gradient"]: colors = self._extract_color_list(name, **kwargs) else: shades = [] for i in range(int(kwargs["no_of_colors"])): shades.append(random.randint( self._value.get_shades()[-1], self._value.get_shades()[0] )) colors = [color.shade(x) for x in shades] return self._send(colors, **kwargs) else: shade = color.default if kwargs["shade"]: shade = kwargs["shade"] return self._send(color.shade(shade), **kwargs) def _named_color(self, name: str, system: str, strict: bool): both = [W3_DATA, X11_DATA] if system == "x11": both = list(reversed(both)) if strict: # If it is strict search, take only named data data = both[0] else: # If it is not strict search, merge both names such that one # will get priority over another data = {**both[1], **both[0]} if name not in data.keys(): raise KeyError(f"Unfortunately, '{name}' is not found in " f"available naming datasets. Please check " f"spelling mistake. This search is case sensitive" f" if 'strict_search' option is enabled.") return Color(name, [self.white(), data[name],], [0, 50, 100])
[docs] def get(self, color_name: str, *, shade: float = None, no_of_colors: int = 1, gradient=True, alpha: float = None, starting_shade: float = None, ending_shade: float = None, naming: str = "w3", strict_search: bool = False): """ This is general methode to retrieve the arbitrary color from the palette. Following steps will be taken, * It will first check color name present in the current color palette. * If it is not present, it will search color name in all other available color palettes. * Then it will also look for common spelling variants of the color through SYNONYM constant from `` (for example, gray and grey). If any such synonym found, it will return that color. * Finally it will go through standard color names used in CSS (in case of 'w3') and X11 system (in case of 'x11') and return it. >>> p = Palette() # IBM Palette >>> p.get("red") # Default IBM Palette red color (#fa4d56) >>> p.get("amber") # Amber is not present in IBM so it will return from Material palette (#ffc107) >>> p.get("grey") # It is common variant of 'gray' so it will return regular gray (#8d8d8d) >>> p.get("k") # It also recognize Matplotlib's standard single character colors. (#000000) >>> p.get("aquamarine") # This is not present in any available >>> # palette. So it will look in common name database and if >>> # available there, it will return (#7fffd4) if `strict_search` option is True, it will ONLY search in the standard color names provided by respective naming system (w3 or x11). >>> p = Palette() >>> p.get("gray") # Standard IBM palette gray (#8d8d8d) >>> p.get("gray", strict_search=True) # w3 common color gray (#808080) >>> p.get("gray",naming="x11", strict_search=True) # common gray from 'x11' colors (#bebebe) Be aware, `strict_search` color name is case sensitive. So take a look at exact color name in respective documentations. These standard names have lot of variants, always refer documentation if getting undesirable results. Current database was updated on 27 August 2020. w3: x11: >>> p = Palette() >>> p.get("GhostWhite",naming="x11", strict_search=True) # returns #f8f8ff >>> p.get("ghostwhite", naming="x11", strict_search=True) # Error Default naming system is set to 'w3'. Color name found in naming system will be converted into its own pallet by padding white and black at the end. This will enable users to use all usual methods like shades, alpha, etc >>> p = Palette() >>> p.get("GhostWhite") # returns #f8f8ff >>> p.get("GhostWhite", shade=80) # returns #636366 :param color_name: Name of the color :param shade: Color Shade (between 0-100). Default will be based on the Palette used. If that is not available 50 will be used. :param no_of_colors: Number of colors (default: 1) :param gradient: If True, if number of colors are greater than 1, then will be arranged in ascending order of their shade value :param alpha: Transparency (between 0-1). Only works in selected color_modes : hexa, ahex, rgba, hsla :param starting_shade: If number of colors are more than 1, you can use this to define the starting shade of the color. This does not work when number of colors is 1 :param ending_shade: If number of colors are more than 1, you can use this to define the ending shade of the color. This does not work when number of colors is 1 :param naming: Naming system (currently supports w3 or x11). [ Default: w3). If name is not found in one system, will be searched in another system. :param strict_search: If True, name will be searched only in given naming system. Enabling this will return the default color from given system. Palette colors will be ignored. :return: ColorString / ColorTuple according to the palette 'color_mode' """ if naming.lower().strip() not in ["w3", "x11"]: raise ValueError("Currently only two naming systems are " "supported: 'w3' and 'x11'") try: if strict_search: raise KeyError() if color_name not in self.colors: self._generate_additional_colors() if color_name not in self.colors: if color_name in SYNONYM.keys(): color_name = SYNONYM[color_name] else: raise KeyError() color = self._extract(color_name.lower().strip()) self.log.warn(f"Color {color_name} is not available in current " f"palette, searching in named list") except KeyError: color = self._named_color(color_name, naming.strip().lower(), strict_search) self._colors[] = color return self._common_color(, locals())
[docs] @color_docs def red(self, *, shade: float = None, no_of_colors: int = 1, gradient=True, alpha: float = None, starting_shade: float = None, ending_shade: float = None): return self._common_color("red", locals())
[docs] @color_docs def blue(self, *, shade: float = None, no_of_colors: int = 1, gradient=True, alpha: float = None, starting_shade: float = None, ending_shade: float = None): return self._common_color("blue", locals())
[docs] @color_docs def green(self, *, shade: float = None, no_of_colors: int = 1, gradient=True, alpha: float = None, starting_shade: float = None, ending_shade: float = None): return self._common_color("green", locals())
[docs] @color_docs def magenta(self, *, shade: float = None, no_of_colors: int = 1, gradient=True, alpha: float = None, starting_shade: float = None, ending_shade: float = None): return self._common_color("magenta", locals())
[docs] @color_docs def purple(self, *, shade: float = None, no_of_colors: int = 1, gradient=True, alpha: float = None, starting_shade: float = None, ending_shade: float = None): return self._common_color("purple", locals())
[docs] @color_docs def cyan(self, *, shade: float = None, no_of_colors: int = 1, gradient=True, alpha: float = None, starting_shade: float = None, ending_shade: float = None): return self._common_color("cyan", locals())
[docs] @color_docs def teal(self, *, shade: float = None, no_of_colors: int = 1, gradient=True, alpha: float = None, starting_shade: float = None, ending_shade: float = None): return self._common_color("teal", locals())
[docs] @color_docs def gray_cool(self, *, shade: float = None, no_of_colors: int = 1, gradient=True, alpha: float = None, starting_shade: float = None, ending_shade: float = None): return self._common_color("cool-gray", locals())
[docs] @color_docs def gray_neutral(self, *, shade: float = None, no_of_colors: int = 1, gradient=True, alpha: float = None, starting_shade: float = None, ending_shade: float = None): return self._common_color("neutral-gray", locals())
[docs] @color_docs def gray(self, *, shade: float = None, no_of_colors: int = 1, gradient=True, alpha: float = None, starting_shade: float = None, ending_shade: float = None): return self._common_color("gray", locals())
[docs] @color_docs def gray_warm(self, *, shade: float = None, no_of_colors: int = 1, gradient=True, alpha: float = None, starting_shade: float = None, ending_shade: float = None): return self._common_color("warm-gray", locals())
[docs] @color_docs def red_orange(self, *, shade: float = None, no_of_colors: int = 1, gradient=True, alpha: float = None, starting_shade: float = None, ending_shade: float = None): return self._common_color("red-orange", locals())
[docs] @color_docs def black(self, *, shade: float = None, no_of_colors: int = 1, gradient=True, alpha: float = None, starting_shade: float = None, ending_shade: float = None): return self._common_color("black", locals())
[docs] @color_docs def white(self, *, shade: float = None, no_of_colors: int = 1, gradient=True, alpha: float = None, starting_shade: float = None, ending_shade: float = None): return self._common_color("white", locals())
[docs] @color_docs def ultramarine(self, *, shade: float = None, no_of_colors: int = 1, gradient=True, alpha: float = None, starting_shade: float = None, ending_shade: float = None): return self._common_color("ultramarine", locals())
[docs] @color_docs def cerulean(self, *, shade: float = None, no_of_colors: int = 1, gradient=True, alpha: float = None, starting_shade: float = None, ending_shade: float = None): return self._common_color("cerulean", locals())
[docs] @color_docs def aqua(self, *, shade: float = None, no_of_colors: int = 1, gradient=True, alpha: float = None, starting_shade: float = None, ending_shade: float = None): return self._common_color("aqua", locals())
[docs] @color_docs def lime(self, *, shade: float = None, no_of_colors: int = 1, gradient=True, alpha: float = None, starting_shade: float = None, ending_shade: float = None): return self._common_color("lime", locals())
[docs] @color_docs def yellow(self, *, shade: float = None, no_of_colors: int = 1, gradient=True, alpha: float = None, starting_shade: float = None, ending_shade: float = None): return self._common_color("yellow", locals())
[docs] @color_docs def gold(self, *, shade: float = None, no_of_colors: int = 1, gradient=True, alpha: float = None, starting_shade: float = None, ending_shade: float = None): return self._common_color("gold", locals())
[docs] @color_docs def orange(self, *, shade: float = None, no_of_colors: int = 1, gradient=True, alpha: float = None, starting_shade: float = None, ending_shade: float = None): return self._common_color("orange", locals())
[docs] @color_docs def peach(self, *, shade: float = None, no_of_colors: int = 1, gradient=True, alpha: float = None, starting_shade: float = None, ending_shade: float = None): return self._common_color("peach", locals())
[docs] @color_docs def violet(self, *, shade: float = None, no_of_colors: int = 1, gradient=True, alpha: float = None, starting_shade: float = None, ending_shade: float = None): return self._common_color("violet", locals())
[docs] @color_docs def indigo(self, *, shade: float = None, no_of_colors: int = 1, gradient=True, alpha: float = None, starting_shade: float = None, ending_shade: float = None): return self._common_color("indigo", locals())
[docs] @color_docs def pink(self, *, shade: float = None, no_of_colors: int = 1, gradient=True, alpha: float = None, starting_shade: float = None, ending_shade: float = None): return self._common_color("pink", locals())
[docs] @color_docs def purple_deep(self, *, shade: float = None, no_of_colors: int = 1, gradient=True, alpha: float = None, starting_shade: float = None, ending_shade: float = None): return self._common_color("deep-purple", locals())
[docs] @color_docs def blue_light(self, *, shade: float = None, no_of_colors: int = 1, gradient=True, alpha: float = None, starting_shade: float = None, ending_shade: float = None): return self._common_color("light-blue", locals())
[docs] @color_docs def green_light(self, *, shade: float = None, no_of_colors: int = 1, gradient=True, alpha: float = None, starting_shade: float = None, ending_shade: float = None): return self._common_color("light-green", locals())
[docs] @color_docs def amber(self, *, shade: float = None, no_of_colors: int = 1, gradient=True, alpha: float = None, starting_shade: float = None, ending_shade: float = None): return self._common_color("amber", locals())
[docs] @color_docs def orange_deep(self, *, shade: float = None, no_of_colors: int = 1, gradient=True, alpha: float = None, starting_shade: float = None, ending_shade: float = None): return self._common_color("deep-orange", locals())
[docs] @color_docs def brown(self, *, shade: float = None, no_of_colors: int = 1, gradient=True, alpha: float = None, starting_shade: float = None, ending_shade: float = None): return self._common_color("brown", locals())
[docs] @color_docs def gray_blue(self, *, shade: float = None, no_of_colors: int = 1, gradient=True, alpha: float = None, starting_shade: float = None, ending_shade: float = None): return self._common_color("blue-gray", locals())