Source code for SecretColors.utils

#  Copyright (c) SecretBiology  2019.
#  Library Name: SecretColors
#  Author: Rohit Suratekar
#  Website:
# New util functions
# Color conversions are borrowed from following article
# Ford A and Roberts A, Colour Space Conversions, August 11, 1998(a)
# TODO: HSI conversions

import math
from typing import Tuple
from SecretColors.helpers.rxutils import convert_rgb_to_xyz, convert_xyz_to_rgb

def _validate(*args):
    for a in args:
        if a > 1:
            raise ValueError(
                "Color Values can not be greater than 1. "
                "please convert them to 0-1 scale")
        if a < 0:
            raise ValueError("Color values can not be negative")

def _validate255(*args):
    for a in args:
        if not isinstance(a, int):
            raise ValueError(f"Only integers {int} are allowed for conversion "
                             f"between RGB255 and others. Your have provided "
                             f"'{a}' which is {type(a)}")

        if a < 0 or a > 255:
            raise ValueError(f"Value should be between 0 to 255 for "
                             f"conversion from RGB255 to other classes. You "
                             f"have provided '{a}'")

def _sanitize_hex(hex_string: str):
    hex_string = hex_string.strip().lower()
    if hex_string.startswith("#"):
        hex_string = hex_string[1:]

    if len(hex_string) == 3:
        hex_string = "{0}{0}{1}{1}{2}{2}".format(*hex_string)
    if len(hex_string) % 2 != 0 or len(hex_string) < 6:
        raise ValueError(f"Invalid Hex code '{hex_string}' for conversion")

    if len(hex_string) > 8:
        raise ValueError("Hex code can by maximum 8 character long including "
                         "alpha channel")

    return hex_string

[docs]def rgb_to_cmy(r, g, b) -> tuple: """ Converts RGB to CMY (both between 0-1) :param r: Red :param g: Green :param b: Blue :return: Cyan, Magenta, Yellow """ _validate(r, g, b) return 1 - r, 1 - g, 1 - b
[docs]def cmy_to_rgb(c, m, y) -> tuple: """ Converts CMY to RGB (both between 0-1) :param c: Cyan :param m: Magenta :param y: Yellow :return: Red, Green, Blue """ _validate(c, m, y) return 1 - c, 1 - m, 1 - y
[docs]def cmy_to_cmyk(c, m, y) -> tuple: """ Converts CMY to CMYK (both between 0-1) :param c: Cyan :param m: Magenta :param y: Yellow :return: Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black """ _validate(c, m, y) b = min(c, m, y) c2 = (c - b) / (1 - b) m2 = (m - b) / (1 - b) y2 = (y - b) / (1 - b) return c2, m2, y2, b
[docs]def cmyk_to_cmy(c, m, y, k): """ Converts CMYK to CMY (both between 0-1) :param c: Cyan :param m: Magenta :param y: Yellow :param k: Black :return: Cyan, Magenta, Black """ _validate(c, m, y, k) c2 = min(1, c * (1 - k) + k) m2 = min(1, m * (1 - k) + k) y2 = min(1, y * (1 - k) + k) return c2, m2, y2
[docs]def rgb_to_hsv(r, g, b): """ Converts RGB to HSV Hue will be normalized and will be on the scale of 0-1 than 0-360 Conversion formula is taken from :param r: Red (0 to 1) :param g: Green (0 to 1) :param b: Blue (0 to 1) :return: (Hue, Saturation, Lightness) on the scale of (0 to 1) """ _validate(r, g, b) v_min = min(r, g, b) v_max = max(r, g, b) diff = v_max - v_min if diff == 0: h = 0 elif v_max == r: h = ((g - b) / diff) % 6 elif v_max == g: h = ((b - r) / diff) + 2 elif v_max == b: h = ((r - g) / diff) + 4 else: raise Exception("Something went wrong in converting HSV to RGB") h = h * 60 # H in 0-360 range h = h / 360 # H in 0-1 range if v_max == 0: s = 0 else: s = diff / v_max v = v_max return h, s, v
[docs]def hsv_to_rgb(h, s, v) -> tuple: """ Converts HSV to RGB (both between 0-1) Conversion calculation from: :param h: Hue :param s: Saturation :param v: Value :return: Red, Green, Blue """ _validate(h, s, v) h = h * 360 # Convert to angle c = v * s x = c * (1 - abs(((h / 60) % 2) - 1)) m = v - c def __adjust(p, q, r): return p + m, q + m, r + m if 0 <= h < 60: return __adjust(c, x, 0) elif 60 <= h < 120: return __adjust(x, c, 0) elif 120 <= h < 180: return __adjust(0, c, x) elif 180 <= h < 240: return __adjust(0, x, c) elif 240 <= h < 300: return __adjust(x, 0, c) elif 300 <= h < 360: return __adjust(c, 0, x) else: raise Exception("Something went wrong in converting HSV to RGB")
[docs]def rgb_to_hsl(r, g, b) -> tuple: """ Converts RGB tuple into HSL tuple Calculations are taken from :param r: Red (between 0 to 1) :param g: Green (between 0 to 1) :param b: Blue (between 0 to 1) :return: (hue, saturation, lightness) All between 0 to 1 """ _validate(r, g, b) min_rgb = min(r, g, b) max_rgb = max(r, g, b) delta_rgb = max_rgb - min_rgb l = (max_rgb + min_rgb) / 2 if delta_rgb == 0: h = 0 s = 0 else: if l < 0.5: s = delta_rgb / (max_rgb + min_rgb) else: s = delta_rgb / (2 - max_rgb - min_rgb) delta_r = (((max_rgb - r) / 6) + (delta_rgb / 2)) / delta_rgb delta_g = (((max_rgb - g) / 6) + (delta_rgb / 2)) / delta_rgb delta_b = (((max_rgb - b) / 6) + (delta_rgb / 2)) / delta_rgb if r == max_rgb: h = delta_b - delta_g elif g == max_rgb: h = (1 / 3) + delta_r - delta_b else: h = (2 / 3) + delta_g - delta_r if h < 0: h += 1 if h > 1: h -= 1 return h, s, l
[docs]def hsl_to_rgb(h, s, l) -> tuple: """ Converts HSL values to RGB tuple. Calculations are taken from :param h: Hue (between 0 to 1) :param s: Saturation (between 0 to 1) :param l: Lightness (between 0 to 1) :return: (Red, Green, Blue) between 0 to 1 """ _validate(h, s, l) def __hue_to_rgb(v1, v2, vh): """ Calculation from """ if vh < 0: vh += 1 if vh > 1: vh -= 1 if 6 * vh < 1: return v1 + ((v2 - v1) * 6 * vh) elif 2 * vh < 1: return v2 elif 3 * vh < 2: return v1 + ((v2 - v1) * ((2 / 3) - vh) * 6) else: return v1 if s == 0: r = l g = l b = l else: if l < 0.5: var2 = l * (1 + s) else: var2 = (l + s) - (s * l) var1 = (2 * l) - var2 r = __hue_to_rgb(var1, var2, h + (1 / 3)) g = __hue_to_rgb(var1, var2, h) b = __hue_to_rgb(var1, var2, h - (1 / 3)) return r, g, b
[docs]def rgb_to_rgb255(r: float, g: float, b: float) -> Tuple[float, float, float]: """ Converts 0-1 based RGB into 0-255 based RGB :param r: Red (between 0-1) :param g: Green (between 0-1) :param b: Blue (between 0-1) :return: Red, Green, Blue (between 0-255) """ _validate(r, g, b) # Here rounding is important as `int` will not consider reminder for # rounding up to nearest neighbour r = int(round(r * 255)) g = int(round(g * 255)) b = int(round(b * 255)) return r, g, b
[docs]def rgb255_to_hex(r: int, g: int, b: int) -> str: """ Converts 0-255 based RGB to Hex :param r: Red (between 0-255) :param g: Green (between 0-255) :param b: Blue (between 0-255) :return: Hex color code """ _validate255(r, g, b) return "#{:02x}{:02x}{:02x}".format(r, g, b)
def rgb_to_hex(r: float, g: float, b: float) -> str: _validate(r, g, b) return rgb255_to_hex(*rgb_to_rgb255(r, g, b))
[docs]def rgb255_to_rgb(r: int, g: int, b: int) -> Tuple[float, float, float]: """ Converts 0-255 based RGB to 0-1 based RGB :param r: Red (between 0-255) :param g: Green (between 0-255) :param b: Blue (between 0-255) :return: Red, Green, Blue (between 0-1) """ _validate255(r, g, b) return r / 255, g / 255, b / 255
[docs]def rgb255_to_hsv(r: int, g: int, b: int): """ Converts 0-255 based RGB to HSV (0-1 based) :param r: Red (between 0-255) :param g: Green (between 0-255) :param b: Blue (between 0-255) :return: Hue, Saturation, Value (0-1 based) """ _validate255(r, g, b) return rgb_to_hsv(*rgb255_to_rgb(r, g, b))
[docs]def rgb255_to_hsl(r: int, g: int, b: int): """ Converts 0-255 based RGB to HSL (0-1 based) :param r: Red (between 0-255) :param g: Green (between 0-255) :param b: Blue (between 0-255) :return: Hue, Saturation, Lightness (0-1 based) """ _validate255(r, g, b) return rgb_to_hsl(*rgb255_to_rgb(r, g, b))
[docs]def hex_to_rgb(hex_string: str): """ Converts Hex to RGB (0-1) :param hex_string: Hex string :return: Red, Green, Blue (between 0-1) """ hex_string = _sanitize_hex(hex_string) c = [] for x in range(0, len(hex_string), 2): try: c.append(int(hex_string[x: x + 2], 16) / 255) except ValueError: raise ValueError(f"{hex_string} is an invalid hex color") from None return tuple(c)
[docs]def rgb_to_hsb(r, g, b): """ Converts RGB to HSB (both between 1-0) :param r: Red :param g: Green :param b: Blue :return: Hue, Saturation, Brightness (between 0-1) """ return rgb_to_hsv(r, g, b)
[docs]def hsb_to_rgb(h, s, b): """ Converts HSB to RGB (both between 0-1) :param h: Hue :param s: Saturation :param b: Brightness :return: Red, Green, Blue (between 0-1) """ return hsv_to_rgb(h, s, b)
[docs]def apply_gamma_transform(value): """ Transforms values from linear scale to non-linea by applying gamma transform. :param value: Values to be transformed :return: Transformed values """ if value > 0.0031308: return (pow(1.055 * value, (1 / 2.4))) - 0.055 else: return 12.92 * value
[docs]def apply_linear_transform(value): """ Transforms value from non-linear scale (with gamma transform) to linear :param value: Value to be transform (between 0-1) :return: Transformed value (between 0-1) """ if value > 0.04045: return pow(((value + 0.055) / 1.055), 2.4) else: return value / 12.92
[docs]def rgb_to_srgb(r, g, b): """ Converts RGB to sRGB Note: This function is still in beta-testing. Do not use in your production code. :param r: Red :param g: Green :param b: Blue :return: sRed, sGreen, sBlue """ _validate(r, g, b) return (apply_linear_transform(r), apply_linear_transform(g), apply_linear_transform(b))
[docs]def srgb_to_rgb(sr, sg, sb): """ Converts sRGB to RGB Note: This function is still in beta-testing. Do not use in your production code. :param sr: sRed :param sg: sGreen :param sb: sBlue :return: Red, Green, Blue """ return (apply_gamma_transform(sr), apply_gamma_transform(sg), apply_gamma_transform(sb))
[docs]def rgb_to_xyz(r, g, b, *, reference="D65", clip=True): """ Converts Linear-RGB (0-1) to CIE-XYZ Note: This function is still in beta-testing. Do not use in your production code. :param r: Red :param g: Green :param b: Blue :param reference: White reference (default: D65) :param clip: If True, values below 0 and above 1 will be clipped :return: CIE-X, CIE-Y, CIE-Z """ return convert_rgb_to_xyz(r, g, b, space="srgb", reference=reference, clip=clip)
[docs]def xyz_to_rgb(x, y, z, *, reference="D65", clip=True): """ Converts CIE-XYZ to Linear-RGB (0-1) Note: This function is still in beta-testing. Do not use in your production code. :param x: CIE-X :param y: CIE-Y :param z: CIE-Z :param reference: White reference (default: D65) :param clip: If True, values below 0 and above 1 will be clipped :return: Red, Green Blue """ return convert_xyz_to_rgb(x, y, z, space="srgb", reference=reference, clip=clip)
[docs]def adobe_rgb_to_xyz(r, g, b, *, reference="D65", clip=True): """ Converts adobe-RGB to CIE-XYZ Note: This function is still in beta-testing. Do not use in your production code. :param r: adobe-Red :param g: adobe-Green :param b: adobe-Blue :param reference: White reference (default: D65) :param clip: If True, values above 1 and below 0 will be clipped :return: CIE-X, CIE-Y, CIE-Z """ return convert_rgb_to_xyz(r, g, b, space="adobe", reference=reference, clip=clip)
[docs]def xyz_to_adobe_rgb(x, y, z, *, reference="D65", clip=True): """ Converts CIE-XYZ to adobe-RGB Note: This function is still in beta-testing. Do not use in your production code. :param x: CIE-X :param y: CIE-Y :param z: CIE-Z :param reference: White reference (default: D65) :param clip: If True, values below 0 and above 1 will be clipped :return: adobe-Red, adobe-Green adobe-Blue """ return convert_xyz_to_rgb(x, y, z, space="adobe", reference=reference, clip=clip)
[docs]def relative_luminance(hex_color: str): """ Relative luminance according to WCAG 2.0 standard :param hex_color: :return: """ def _conv(v): if v <= 0.03928: return v / 12.92 else: return pow((v + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4) r, g, b = hex_to_rgb(hex_color) r = _conv(r) g = _conv(g) b = _conv(b) return 0.2126 * r + 0.7152 * g + 0.0722 * b
[docs]def text_color(hex_color: str): """ Provides black or white color which can be used for text on given hex color background According to WCA 2.0 standards and >>> text_color("#ffffff") # '#000000' :param hex_color: background color :return: proper text color """ rw = relative_luminance("#ffffff") rl = relative_luminance(hex_color) rb = relative_luminance("#000000") white_ratio = (rw + 0.05) / (rl + 0.05) black_ratio = (rl + 0.05) / (rb + 0.05) if white_ratio > black_ratio: return "#ffffff" else: return "#000000"
[docs]def color_in_between(c1, c2, no_of_colors=1) -> list: """ Creates color between two colors in RGB ColorSpace >>> color_in_between("#fb4b53", "#408bfc") # ['#9d6aa7'] >>> color_in_between("#fb4b53", "#408bfc", 3) # ['#cc5a7d', '#9d6aa7', '#6e7ad1'] :param c1: Hex of first color :param c2: Hex of second color :param no_of_colors: How many colors in between? [Default :1] :return: List of Colors between provided colors in RGB space """ steps = no_of_colors + 1 all_colors = [] r1, g1, b1 = hex_to_rgb(c1) r2, g2, b2 = hex_to_rgb(c2) rdelta, gdelta, bdelta = (r2 - r1) / steps, (g2 - g1) / steps, ( b2 - b1) / steps for step in range(steps - 1): r1 += rdelta g1 += gdelta b1 += bdelta all_colors.append(rgb_to_hex(r1, g1, b1)) return all_colors
[docs]def hex_to_hsl(hex_string): """ Converts HEX to HSL (0-1) :param hex_string: Hex String :return: Heu, Saturation, Lightness (between 0-1) """ return rgb_to_hsl(*hex_to_rgb(hex_string))
[docs]def hsl_to_hex(h, s, l): """ Converts HSL (between 0-1) into Hex string :param h: Hue :param s: Saturation :param l: Lightness :return: Hex String """ return rgb_to_hex(*hsl_to_rgb(h, s, l))
[docs]def get_complementary(hex_color: str): """ Returns complementary color >>> get_complementary("#fb4b53") # '#4afaf3' :param hex_color: Hex color :return: Complementary Hex color """ r, g, b = hex_to_rgb(hex_color) k = max([r, g, b]) + min([r, g, b]) t = tuple(k - u for u in (r, g, b)) return rgb_to_hex(t[0], t[1], t[2])
[docs]def simulate_green_blindness(r, g, b): """ Adjust RGB values such that it can 'simulate' Green blindness Conversion formula taken from Note: This function is still in beta-testing. Do not use in your production code. :param r: Red :param g: Green :param b: Blue :return: Red, Green, Blue (seen by Green-Blind person) """ _validate(r, g, b) r2, g2, b2 = rgb_to_rgb255(*rgb_to_srgb(r, g, b)) r = pow((4211 + pow(g2 * 0.677, 2.2) + pow(r2 * 0.2802, 2.2)), 1 / 2.2) g = pow((4211 + pow(g2 * 0.677, 2.2) + pow(r2 * 0.2802, 2.2)), 1 / 2.2) b = pow((4211 + pow(b2 * 0.95724, 2.2) + pow(g2 * 0.02138, 2.2) - pow(r2 * 0.02138, 2.2)), 1 / 2.2) r2, g2, b2 = rgb255_to_rgb(int(round(r)), int(round(g)), int(round(b))) return srgb_to_rgb(r2, g2, b2)
[docs]def simulate_red_blindness(r, g, b): """ Adjust RGB values such that it can 'simulate' Red blindness Conversion formula taken from Note: This function is still in beta-testing. Do not use in your production code. :param r: Red :param g: Green :param b: Blue :return: Red, Green, Blue (seen by Red-Blind person) """ _validate(r, g, b) r2, g2, b2 = rgb_to_rgb255(*rgb_to_srgb(r, g, b)) r = pow((782.7 + pow(g2 * 0.8806, 2.2) + pow(r2 * 0.1115, 2.2)), 1 / 2.2) g = pow((782.7 + pow(g2 * 0.8806, 2.2) + pow(r2 * 0.1115, 2.2)), 1 / 2.2) b = pow((782.7 + pow(b2 * 0.992052, 2.2) - pow(g2 * 0.003974, 2.2) + pow(r2 * 0.003974, 2.2)), 1 / 2.2) r2, g2, b2 = rgb255_to_rgb(int(round(r)), int(round(g)), int(round(b))) return srgb_to_rgb(r2, g2, b2)
def run(): r, g, b = 0.9339861535887517, 0.8860409576833747, 0.9749859185188849 xyz = rgb_to_xyz(r, g, b) print(xyz_to_rgb(*xyz))